Today while working at the pharmacy, I found this shopping list on the floor just outside the pharmacy counter. Check out item # 7 ...

Ran in Neillsville, WI today where we were for Anne's sister's wedding (yesterday). Started our from our hotel and ran out of town going North. At about mile 3 (nothing but farm on both sides) two dogs, a collie and some type of mut, came running up barking out of a ditch. I stopped for a minute, then started running again and both dogs followed me, running along the side of the road. They stayed with me for about 1.5 miles then stopped. I continued for another 1/2 mile or so then turned around. The dogs were still where I left them and they followed me back to where their starting point was. Round trip was about 10 miles.

the trip) and the weather is a little nicer further up North. Ran around town today and yesterday (4 and 7.3 miles) spending the rest of the time with Anne's family. The dam in town was dry while the lake bed behind it was being dredged out. See the dry vs. wet pictures of the falls to the right.

Ran around Lake Lorin and Ashburn twice today (just under 7 miles) before heading up to Wisconsin. It is so freaking humid here, not so much hot, but humid. I'd take desert heat running over this stuff any day!

We went to tour the Frank Lloyd Wright Studio in Oak Park, IL today. Tickets are $12/person and the tour take you into and through almost every room in his home a studio. The tour was great, we had an awesome guide who told us lots of interesting stories along the way. Although this home is not anywhere nearly a amazing as his Falling Water design (in Pennsylvania) which we toured last fall, it was neat to see where he developed alot of his ideas and style.

Got out early (6:00 CA time) and drove to the Swallow Cliff Preserve parking lot at 119th and La Grange Rd. Started out heading West from the parking lot through the woods following the trail as it crossed 104th Ave and looped South, then East crossing back over 104th. The trail met the Swallow Cliff toboggan run parking lot and we headed North to climb the 126 stairs to the top. These stairs used to be made of chiseled limestone and had a neat unevenness about them, but now they have been refinished with smooth concrete which while probably safer kind of takes away some of the fun from running up them. The trail picks back up at the top heading back to the parking lot on 119th Street making for a loop just under 5 miles. It is a really nice run almost entirely covered by tree canopy (quite different from the desert running we are used to). Saw a few other runners and a couple deer along the way.

Drove downtown today and met Tim and Julie (my brother and his wife) at their loft, then we all went to Lincoln Park Zoo. Admission is free and the zoo just the right size to get around in a few hours. Probable the most interesting creature we saw was the one armed monkey (who lost his arm trying to get food from some idiot that threw it near the cage). It was really amazing how well he had adapted and was still cruising around the trees.