The weather here is finally starting to become more like winter. It started to get cold (60's daytime, 40's night) and actually rained 1.5" on Friday (that's alot for around here). We ran at Mt. Rubidoux on Friday (in the rain) and it sucked - wet, cold, and overall not very enjoyable (at least in my opinion).

We didn't run on Saturday (waiting for the trails to dry out) but Ran at Santa Rosa Plateau this morning. The weather was nice (calm breeze, 60 F) and the parking lot had quite a few cars in it. Did basically the same course as earlier in the week, but the first 1/3 was still muddy. Not so bad that it wasn't runnable, but enough to cake and carry on your shoes. The surrounding mountain tops in the distance were covered snow which made for some nice views since the air was cool and dry. Saw lots of coyote along the way and finished at 11.75 miles.