The weather here is finally starting to become more like winter. It started to get cold (60's daytime, 40's night) and actually rained 1.5" on Friday (that's alot for around here). We ran at Mt. Rubidoux on Friday (in the rain) and it sucked - wet, cold, and overall not very enjoyable (at least in my opinion).

We didn't run on Saturday (waiting for the trails to dry out) but Ran at Santa Rosa Plateau this morning. The weather was nice (calm breeze, 60 F) and the parking lot had quite a few cars in it. Did basically the same course as earlier in the week, but the first 1/3 was still muddy. Not so bad that it wasn't runnable, but enough to cake and carry on your shoes. The surrounding mountain tops in the distance were covered snow which made for some nice views since the air was cool and dry. Saw lots of coyote along the way and finished at 11.75 miles.

Drove out to Santa Rosa Plateau this morning and ran a nice 11.5 mile course. Started at the Visitors Center ($2 honor system day use fee) and headed down Vista Grande trail to Waterline road and up to Monument Rd and saw quite a few coyote along the way. From here I headed down Punta Mesa trail, past the Adobes and headed left up Vernal Pool trail towards the Vernal Pools.

About half way to the pools, I came around a corner and see 2 people just off the trail - a guy (fully clothed with his back to me) with his arms wrapped down and around a woman (clothed) who was on her knees and was facing away from him. I just thought WTF did I just stumble upon! The first thing I saw was him pulling up with his arms and back and it looked like he was choking her! I ran up and asked what's going on and he said she was choking on some food. A closer look around, I realized they were on a blanket and there was a half eaten sandwich on the ground. Strangely, he was trying to do the Heimlich on here but at the same time he was asking her if she was OK (and she was able to respond) - really, you shouldn't be doing the Heimlich on someone who can respond to questions. The guy seemed almost annoyed that I was there when I offered to help so I just headed down the trail. I ran past the Vernal Pools and down Los Santos trail, past the Overlook area and down to the Hidden Valley trailhead, going back up Coyote trail. At the junction with Trans-Preserve trail, I took Oak Tree trail to Tenaja Truck trail and then back to the Visitors Center on Waterline Rd.

Work has been pretty busy the past few months. Since becoming the Pharmacist in Charge of the new pharmacy, I have been working pretty much solo. The model of the chain I work for is set up so that it takes 2 pharmacists to staff all the hours the pharmacy is open per week. Normally each pharmacist works 40 hours in 4 days (2 12hr days and 2 8.5 hr days) - BUT I have not had another pharmacist working with me since I opened which has resulted in me working 4 12hr and 1 8.5hr days a week. This leaves 2 days a week that I have had floater pharmacists filling in. Starting today, I finally have a pharmacist working full time at my pharmacy which is going to give me 1 more day off a week! The timing is great since I really need to start getting in shape for the Death Valley trail run (Feb) which I'd like to run the 26.2 mile (rather than the 18 mile)course. The schedule we will be working will be working from Wed to Wed, then you get 6 days off in a row! My first 6 day off period starts tomorrow. I'm going to head out to run Santa Rosa Plateau tomorrow, then spend several days writing for a project I am involved in with UCSD School of Pharmacy. I'm writing a chapter for a textbook on Pharmacy Informatics that is to be published sometime next summer. My chapter is on the use of handheld mobile devices in pharmacy practice.

I've been trying to find a good mobile computer for a while now. My previous computer was a HP TC1100 but it was a little big for what I was looking for. I have a desktop computer with a 22" monitor for working on big files so I just need something small, with a tablet PC form factor that would allow me to quickly type out an e-mail, surf the net, and sync my other mobile devices ( iPhone, Garmin Forerunner 305 watch). I just got rid of a

HTC Advantage x7500 pocket PC phone (when I got the iPhone), which could get net access (a mobile version) but couldn't sync my other devices. The solution I found was the OQO model 02 UMPC. It is a super small tablet PC that is small enough to carry in your pocket. It even has a slide away keyboard with integrated track stick which makes it an amazingly useful computer. Its not a terribly powerful computer, but it sure does work great for me. I can easily sync my devices, surf the internet from the couch, and it easily goes to work with me in my lab coat pocket. The pharmacy I work for does have computers with internet and Microsoft office, but no color printer and no Adobe Acrobat Pro so when I have the need, I just grab my OQO and plug it into a $25 HP printer, or can generate a pdf. The only things I feel it is lacking are an extra USB port (there is only 1 port) and a SD card slot; however, it does have a HDMI port(go figure). With WiFi and bluetooth, I can use a wireless keyboard and mouse, then just dock it to a larger monitor if I have the need for a bigger screen.

Just finished reading a great book. After being in school for the last 7 years, I forgot what it was like to read for fun. The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space. Time. And the Texture of Reality, is about theoretical physics, cosmology, and particle physics / string theory. The book gives a nice history of the people and the experiments leading to the current theories in physics and cosmology and then goes on to describe the physics of the super small (string theory) and the super large (cosmology) and the attempts to join the two (unification). Brian Greene uses analogies (often involving the Simpsons) to explain some of the scientific concepts which makes it much easier reading but still gets the meaning across. Overall, the book tries to convey that our perception of our "world" is really far from the way the physical world works. Every chapter left me in awe at how truly amazing our universe is and with even more respect for those physicists who got us to the point where we are now in our understanding.

Well I went out and got an iPhone. When I first saw/heard about the iPhone, it really had no appeal to me. I have been an early adopter of mobile technology starting off with one of the original Palm devices in the late 90's, then I switched to the Pocket PC platform, and finally to Pocket PCs with integrated phones. Windows mobile has always had some quirks especially when adding on 3rd party programs for pharmaceutical information and just to make the device more useable overall. My current PPC/phone is a HTC Advantage x7500 which works better than any other device I have used. However, its one main downfall is that in order to use it as a phone you have to have a headset (and its a little big to carry around as a phone). Then I got my hands on an iPhone. I couldn't believe how easy it was to use. The touch navigation worked great, had Google maps integrated, and is an iPod too. One reason I hardly use my iPod is because I don't like to carry more than 1 thing with me at a time. But one of the features I liked the most was that it has a full Safari browser - no more "mobile' versions of the internet. Yeah, the price is high, but consider this, for what the HTC costs, I could nearly buy 2 iPhones. Also, I was paying $50/month just for unlimited data alone (through AT&T) and the iPhone monthly cost is $60/month for unlimited data and the phone service. I sold my HTC on eBay and after 2 weeks, I'm glad I did. Granted the iPhone needs some improvements namely cut and paste ability, a search function for the calendar, and the ability to organize your contacts into groups (things PPC does natively) but I still find that I use the iPhone more on a day to day basis than previous mobile devices. The fact that I can use Safari to keep up with the news feeds and blogs that I read (with Newsgator for iPhone ) alone is great.

Today while working at the pharmacy, I found this shopping list on the floor just outside the pharmacy counter. Check out item # 7 ...

Ran in Neillsville, WI today where we were for Anne's sister's wedding (yesterday). Started our from our hotel and ran out of town going North. At about mile 3 (nothing but farm on both sides) two dogs, a collie and some type of mut, came running up barking out of a ditch. I stopped for a minute, then started running again and both dogs followed me, running along the side of the road. They stayed with me for about 1.5 miles then stopped. I continued for another 1/2 mile or so then turned around. The dogs were still where I left them and they followed me back to where their starting point was. Round trip was about 10 miles.

the trip) and the weather is a little nicer further up North. Ran around town today and yesterday (4 and 7.3 miles) spending the rest of the time with Anne's family. The dam in town was dry while the lake bed behind it was being dredged out. See the dry vs. wet pictures of the falls to the right.

Ran around Lake Lorin and Ashburn twice today (just under 7 miles) before heading up to Wisconsin. It is so freaking humid here, not so much hot, but humid. I'd take desert heat running over this stuff any day!

We went to tour the Frank Lloyd Wright Studio in Oak Park, IL today. Tickets are $12/person and the tour take you into and through almost every room in his home a studio. The tour was great, we had an awesome guide who told us lots of interesting stories along the way. Although this home is not anywhere nearly a amazing as his Falling Water design (in Pennsylvania) which we toured last fall, it was neat to see where he developed alot of his ideas and style.

Got out early (6:00 CA time) and drove to the Swallow Cliff Preserve parking lot at 119th and La Grange Rd. Started out heading West from the parking lot through the woods following the trail as it crossed 104th Ave and looped South, then East crossing back over 104th. The trail met the Swallow Cliff toboggan run parking lot and we headed North to climb the 126 stairs to the top. These stairs used to be made of chiseled limestone and had a neat unevenness about them, but now they have been refinished with smooth concrete which while probably safer kind of takes away some of the fun from running up them. The trail picks back up at the top heading back to the parking lot on 119th Street making for a loop just under 5 miles. It is a really nice run almost entirely covered by tree canopy (quite different from the desert running we are used to). Saw a few other runners and a couple deer along the way.

Drove downtown today and met Tim and Julie (my brother and his wife) at their loft, then we all went to Lincoln Park Zoo. Admission is free and the zoo just the right size to get around in a few hours. Probable the most interesting creature we saw was the one armed monkey (who lost his arm trying to get food from some idiot that threw it near the cage). It was really amazing how well he had adapted and was still cruising around the trees.

Got to Chicago and got out for a short run this morning around the neighborhood I grew up in. Headed down the street going around Lake Lorin's North side, then out across the plankway over the wetlands, and out to Lake Ashburn. Round trip 3.6 miles.

Ran Mt. Rubidoux today (and a few times previously this week. We are flying to Chicago today to visit family and for Anne's sister's wedding (in Wisconsin). Heading down to San Diego right now to catch our plane.

Ran at Topanga Canyon State Park (near Santa Monica, CA) today with Anne. Started off at the State Park parking lot ($6 day use fee with nice bathrooms in the lot) taking Eagle Rock fire road (steep) up 1.5 miles to the point where the fire road junctions with Musch trail. Staying to the left we continued up past Eagle Rock at 2 miles. Passing Eagle Rock, there are many cool volcanic rock formations and possibly marine fossils in the fire road. At mile 3, Eagle Rock fire road junctions with another fire road staying to the right we headed down to Musch trail at 4.4 miles. The remaining 2.2 miles along Musch trail is single track closely following a dry canyon stream bed with a few too many wooden steps for my liking. I'd give this trail a 4 (on 1-10) for running but a 7 for cool geologic features.

Ran Mt. Rubidoux tonight and 3 nights ago. While running up on Wednesday, the park just across the street (Fairmont) just started burning and we had a great view of the fire from above as we came around the North side of the mountain. Luckily the wind was blowing North so we never caught any smoke.

Anne and I ran the Holcomb Valley Trail Run 15 mile race today. There were around 120 15 mile runners in the race which started on the North side of Big Bear Lake (elv. 6,800ft) and followed Cougar Crest trail up to meet the Pacific Crest trail at 7,600ft. Cougar Crest trail is one tough trail to go up - nearly half of the 3.5 mile single track trail has you hopping your way through technical sections of sharp, off canter rocks which are just waiting to trip you. On the way up I had a good couple of people running with me (Heather and Roger) who kept me motivated to keep going. After getting onto the PCT for a short time, the trail meets 3N09 (jeep road) going downhill (mostly) to meet 3N16 and then onto 3N12 at about mile 6.5. At this junction was a picturesque open meadow with an old ranch and horses grazing (really nice to run by). From here, 3N12 climbs from 7,200ft to almost 8,000ft elevation meeting the PCT again with a little more elevation gain to hit the high point of the trail at 8,212ft. The PCT levels out here and it is mostly a easy run back to Cougar Crest trail (except for mile 11-11.75 which was uphill (~200ft gain) which really slowed me down. Upon meeting Cougar Crest trail, the course was all downhill back to the finish (same as the start), but now the rocky trail was in reverse and you had much more momentum! At about mile 13 (the steepest switchback section), there were no other runners around me and as I came around a steep corner there was a guy and his dog standing in the middle of the trail. I had too much momentum to stop, and in trying to pass him on the right, the side of the trail gave way and I tumbled off the side of the trail into the bushes! I got away lucky with only a few scrapes to my knee and a dirt covered back. I kept going down the trail to cross the finish line at 2hr 15min and obviously looking like I ate shit along the way. It was actually pretty funny, because I clearly wasn't the only one since there were a few others who were covered in dirt too! Overall it was a really good time and really nice people to run with.

Got up this morning and ran Sycamore Canyon again at 5:30a. It was still really cool and foggy. Saw quite a few coyote along the way. This is my last run of the week before the Holcomb Valley trail race on Sunday.

Got home today and went for a run across the street at Sycamore Canyon with Anne. We started out at the Central Ave trail head and headed up (South) into the park. Saw a coyote along the way but not much other wildlife. Ran out to and along the Pepsi bottling plant then turned back taking a different route home to make a 5.5 mile loop. It was pretty warm today, around 90F when we started. Sycamore Canyon's trails are nice to run but there aren't many flat sections, its mostly up and down following the canyon.

Ran Mt. Rubidoux (3.9 miles, 900 ft elevation gain) the last 3 nights. The second night I beat my PR (27 min 1 second) by 24 seconds then beat that by 20 seconds the next night for a 6:47min/mile. I'm finally feeling back in shape after being sick for those few weeks. I'm really looking forward to the Holcomb Valley trail race this coming Sunday.

Ran at Santa Rosa Plateau today with Anne. Same course as the previous run but started a little too late for today's weather. It was a cloudless day and got hot early on in the run. Quite a few people out on the trail today. Strangely, we ran into to other sets of runners just as we approached the junction of Valley Rd trail and Vernal Pool trail( map here ) - one from the South, one from the West and us from the East. Usually I don't see anybody in the part of the park so it was kinda weird to all arrive at the same point at exactly the same time.

In San Diego today so went for a run at Torrey Pines State Reserve. Its the first day of the holiday weekend so the trails were somewhat busy. Started from the top parking lot and ran Guy Flemming trail, Parry Grove trail, and Razor Point trail going back up via Broken Hill trail.

Went to the Santa Rosa Plateau today to run the same course as the last few times. Didn't see much wildlife along the way but it was a nice, cool, foggy morning making for an enjoyable 11.5 mile run.

Ran the Holcomb Valley trail run race course today with Anne. The course starts on the shore of Big Bear Lake (elevation 7000 ft) and heads up quickly from there. The first 2 miles climbs the steep, rocky Cougar Creek trail to meet the Pacific Crest trail. From here the trail somewhat levels out and follows dirt roads until climbing again around mile 7 to meet the PCT again. The course follows the PCT back to Cougar Creek trail then back down the steep rock trail to return the starting point for 15 miles. Being that I mostly run around desert areas, running at elevation was really hard!

Trail ran at Sycamore Canyon this morning. Headed across the street from home to the Central Ave trailhead and headed up. Ran to the Pepsi Bottling plant then headed back making a loop. Didn't see anyone else out (it was a really nice cool foggy morning) but did see 2 coyotes along the way. Unfortunately there wasn't much rain this year so there are no wildflowers in the canyon. Most years around this time, the flowers are waist high. The GoLite Sun Dragon shoes worked great. They really grip the trail well and I was really able to stay in control in the downhill sections (there is lots of up and down here). However, they may not be giving me enough support with my over pronation. Its hard to tell yet, maybe after a few more runs. Regardless, they are better than my previous shoes.

Ran Mt. Rubidoux tonight. I bought a new pair of trail running shoes and wanted to try them out before getting out on a long run. My previous shoes did not offer enough support and I found that I was over pronating my left foot which was giving me cramps in my left calf muscle. They are Sun Dragons made by GoLite. I bought them on which offers free overnight shipping, no tax in CA and free shipping on returns. The shoes are specifically designed for trail running with around 10 "lugs" on the bottom for better grip. The lugs are hard tread that float on a soft rubber making them act like little springs under your feet. They absorb shocks and form to uneven trail. These shoes really stood out while running down hill (the past is 2 miles up/2 miles down) keeping a great footing allowing you to take bigger and faster strides. The shoes are sold as 1 + 1/2 sizes (mine are 11-11.5) and come with inserts to allow custom sizing. They seem to run a little big with lots of room in the toe box (great for me, I have big feet). Can't wait to get out onto a trail with them.

Ran Mt Rubidoux tonight. Still trying to get back to normal after being sick for a couple weeks.

Ran at Torrey Pines State Beach today. Started out at the top parking lot and ran down to Guy Flemming trail, around it then up to Parry Grove trail. From there, ran back to the top lot then down Razor Point trail to Beach Trail and back up via Broken Hill trail (North). A really nice day for running by the ocean, but really hot even for San Diego. I ran around 11am and the sun was killer!

So I've just been working a lot of overtime and trying to get over being sick. Its been two weeks now and I am still coughing but feeling good enough to go for a run. Its really hot (99 F) today, but started to cool off this evening. Started out around sunset and gt to the top after the sun had set. From the top we could see the flames from 2 wild fires - one to the North in Fontana and one to the South near Corona. It was amazing to see how fast those fires could move in such a short time that I was watching. Too bad I didn't bring my camera.

I was down in San Diego today to give a lecture about the use of hand held technology in pharmacy practice and the application of informatics for new practitioners. It was for a Pharmacy Informatics course at the UCSD School of Pharmacy where I graduated from last June. The class size was about 60 students and the lecture lasted about 2 hours. I was kind of strange being on the lecturer side of the room and to be introduced as "Dr. Joseph Ennesser" It went really well and I think quite a few of the students were excited to hear about how they could implement new technology into their practice of pharmacy.

I was supposed to run the La Jolla half marathon today. After getting out of work last night, we drove down to San Diego. Along the way, I started feeling kinda sick and within a few hours I had a fever, sore throat and runny nose. I thought I could still run the race but by 2am, it was only getting worse and there was no way. I really glad I didn't run because today I feel like crap but I'm really bummed out about not running.

I guess I didn't get enough running in today at Santa Rosa Plateau so I ran up Mt Rubidoux tonight with Anne. Started right around sunset and it had cooled off nicely and gotten kinda windy.

Ran from home to Mt. Rubidoux tonight.

Went down to San Diego today so I stopped at Santa Rosa Plateau this morning. Parked at the Visitors Center and headed down Waterline Rd (4wd rd), turning onto Monument Rd (4wd) at the gate. Saw 3 deer on this part of the trail, then took the single track Punta Mesa trail past the Adobe House, turning left up Vernal Pool trail single track. Past the Vernal Pools, took Los Santos trail up to Overlook Hill (great views of the entire Reserve here) and down to Coyote trail and Oak Tree trail which dumps out to Tenaja Truck trail (4wd) then back via Waterline Rd. This area is a great place to run with nice rolling hills. The trails are very well maintained and the park reminds me of pictures of the grasslands in Kenya. Picked up a copy of the Reserve map and scanned it here: trail map. The road is red, 4wd roads blue, and single track trails green. Total distance today 11.6mi at 8.5 min/mi

Drove 1/2 hour East of Hemet on Hwy 74 to the Pacific Crest Trail crossing. Took the PCT South from the gate on Hwy 74 running about 1 mile past Table Mtn Truck Trail (dirt road) where there was a good view overlooking the Anza area. Turned around here and headed back (at 6 miles). The PCT is all single track, very well maintained, and mostly loamy dirt and sand. The elevation at the trail head is about 5,000ft with this section of the trail having an elevation change of 1,000ft. It was a really nice day, but windy with good cloud cover for most of the run. We never saw any other people along the entire 12 miles. See a map and trail metrics here.

Down in San Diego today so ran at the Torrey Pines State Beach. Started at the top parking lot, ran down to and around Guy Flemming trail, then up to and around Parry Grove trail. From there up to the Razor Point trail, down to Beach trail then back up via North Broken Hill trail.

Went to Santa Rosa Plateau today to try out my new pair of inov8 trail running shoes. Taking somewhat the same route as last time, I ran into a huge swarm of bees about 3 miles out - it was like a black could over the entire trail. I waited for them to clear off then kept down the same trail where about a mile later (in a down hill section), there were 2 people with a blanket spread out over the single track trail laying there reading books! They even had the nerve to give me attitude when I ran past them even though I had to go off the trail to get around. The rest of the run was uneventful. Later in the day, went for a run up Mt Rubidoux at sunset. Nice cool breeze the entire way.

Easy run at Mt Rubidoux before work this morning. Finally got a pair of street running shoes with more cushioning which made the run nice.

Ran at Chino Hills State park today. Its a large, nice park with lots of trails, multiple entrances and is split between Riverside, Orange, and San Bernardino counties. We started out from the Yorba Linda side at the Fairmont trailhead. Started down Easy Street to Telegraph Canyon, then up North Ridge trail (which is all uphill). Reached Gilman Peak (2,000ft elevation gain from start), then headed down Sycamore trail (single track) to Telegraph Canyon and back up Easy Street to the trailhead. Total distance 10.7 miles. Details here.

On my way down to San Diego today, I ran at the Santa Rosa Plateau. Did the same trail as a few weeks ago - from the Visitors Center (on Clinton Keith) out via Punta Mesa trail, past the Adobe House to the Vernal Pools, then back via Trans Preserve trail. See a map of the park here. Saw a few tarantulas along the way and actually saw two other trail runners doing the same course I was but in reverse. Lots of snow on the surrounding mountains which made for nice views. Distance 9.88mi

Had the day off today so I went for a long run at the Box Springs reserve mountain park. I can see the peak of Box Springs from my window and I've been thinking about doing this run for a while, today seem like a good day to do it. It was a nice cloudy day, cool and looking like it was going to rain. Started from home and ran up Central, Watkins, Blain, and Belvedere to the Two Trees trailhead (behind UCR area) which started at 3.2 miles. Headed up Two Trees which is really steep, finding myself at a fast walk pace at times. The trail ends where it meets the Box Springs tower dirt road, at this point I headed up to the top of the road where the "M-trail" starts (the big "M" seen from Moreno Valley). Total elevation gain was 3,000 feet now at 7 miles. From here I took the M-trail down into Moreno Valley. M-trail is a steep single track trail that is very loamy. Meeting Pigeon Pass road, I took Ironwood to Lochmoor and back to Central Ave. Both trails are in good condition and the view of Riverside and Moreno Valley are unbeatable. Total distance 13.5 miles.

Ran Mt. Rubidoux tonight just before sunset, easy pace up and down. Lots of people out tonight.

I was down in San Diego today so I stopped to run at Lake Hodges. The weather was nice, sunny and around 70F. Started from the trailhead at Via Rancho Parkway and ran West, taking the upper trail on the North side of the lake. Followed the trail to the marina then on pavement over to the park near Del Dios Hwy where I picked up the trail again. I was planning on running to the dam (for 15 miles round trip), but about a mile from it the trail was closed (w/ chain link fencing near the Hideaway restaurant) due to construction so I turned back. Followed the same route back but taking the lower trail. 12.7 miles at a 9min/mi average. To see an active player of the course, click here .

Nice cloudy weather today with a cold drizzle the whole way. Started out at the Central Ave trailhead (just across the street from home) and ran up and over past the Pepsi bottling plant. Then East along the North side of the creek to the Chevron at I-215/Alessandro and back West on the South side. Crossed the gas pipe, past the burning nettles and back up and over to the Central Ave trailhead. 8.37mi at a nice 9:50min/mi average.

Its just such a convenient run that I keep going there. I just kept a good pace (8min/mi) going up and finished with a 7:08min/mi overall.

Ran Mt. Rubidoux again today. It was a personal best for me on this run. The course is 3.88mi w/ 820ft elevation change. My time 27:02min (6:58mi/mi), beating my previous best by 2min. The hill is about comparable to the Torrey Pines hill in the La Jolla 1/2 Marathon so if I can add 4 1/2 miles on either side of this run, I'll be good for the race on April 22.

On the way back from San Diego, ran at the Santa Rosa Plateau reserve today. Started out at the Visitors Center and ran out to the (dry )Vernal pools and back doing a loop around the perimeter of the park. Stayed on the East side of Tenaja and Clinton Keith roads. This may be one of the nicest trails I've run (well maintained) and the views are great. There is a $2 fee (voluntary per person) to use the area but the Visitors Center has a nice bathroom to use when it is open.

Ran Mt. Rubidoux today doing the usual route just around sunset. There were more people out today probably due to DST making it light out later.

Ran Mt. Rubidoux this morning from the trail entrance gate (4 miles). The DST time change threw me off a liitle but it was good to get our early since it is getting hot here (high should be 102F today).

Went to Torrey Pines state reserve today for some trail running. Started out at the lower parking lot and ran up to and around the Guy Flemming loop then up the Beach Trail trailhead at the top. Ran down Razor Point trail to Beach Trail then up then Broken Hill and North Fork trails and then back down the road. 5.7 miles total. Starting to get crowded at the beach since there was no parking at the top lot.

Finally got a longer run in today. I started out from home and ran to Mt. Rubidoux (5.5 miles) and then up and down Mt. Rubidoux for just under 9.5 mi total. Made it to the top just after the sun set into the smog.

Ran in Sycamore Canyon (Riverside) today. It was only a short (3.8 mile) run but boy is it hilly! Saw a small snake on the way but it wasn't a rattler. Too bad my Garmin watch was dead at the start of the run (so I had to get the distance from gmaps pedometer).